Śniadanie HR: Workplace trends and employee engagement

Śniadanie HR: Workplace trends and employee engagement
We are pleased to invite you to HR breakfast, during which you will have the chance to familiarize yourself with the Engagement and the Global Workplace Report, which describes the correlation between workplace satisfaction and employee engagement. Steelcase together with Cushman & Wakefield will present to you global workplace trends and case studies to deep-dive into the topic.
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In a talent market that is highly driven by (future) employees, companies are looking for many ways to attract and retain key contributors. Leaders are now more aware and knowledgeable about the important impact of employee engagement on their companies’ results. In our recent global engagement study, we found a positive relation between workplace satisfaction and the level of engagement. Well-designed offices, supporting employee’s needs have great potential to attract talent, positively influencing the behaviour and even changing the organizational culture.

On the HR breakfast our expert Lisa Glassner will share key insights of our Engagement report conducted together with the research institute Ipsos. Our event partner the Workplace Strategy division of Cushman and Wakefield will share the latest workplace trends and case studies.



8.30-9.00 Registration

9.00-11.30 Presentation and discussion

11.30-12.00 Networking


The meeting will be held in English


During the meeting we will deep-dive into the topic of how space can influence behavior in the workplace. We will:

  •           Describe how workplace can influence employee satisfaction, motivation and overall wellbeing
  •           Draw a correlation between workplace satisfaction and employee engagement, having a direct impact on the bottom line
  •           Present the latest trends in the workplace
  •           Present case studies


Our presenters will answer the following questions:

  •           What are employees’ needs in the workplace and how to satisfy them
  •           How workspace can attract talent
  •           How a well-designed workspace translates into the bottom line

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